
Malcom Ferdinand - search results

A conversation with Susan Neiman and friends around anti-fascist organizing

...all over the world is one good option.  But we’d also have to take seriously what Malcom Ferdinand – also another person who argues for common humanity through his figure...

Recently Published Book Spotlight: Decolonial Ecology

Malcom Ferdinand is an environmental engineer from University College London and doctor in political philosophy from Université Paris Diderot. He is currently a researcher at the French National Centre for...

Malcom Ferdinand

Born and raised in Martinique, Malcom Ferdinand is an environmental engineer from University College London and doctor in political philosophy from Université Paris Diderot. He is now a researcher at...

Vergangenheitsbewältigung Now: 1492 and the Roots of Planetary Injustice

...that included a long history of monarchy and aristocracy, religious superiority, racism, and conquest as itineraries of virtuous human practice.  Imperial Spain was reconsolidating under Ferdinand and Isabella after the...
